Copyright Statement

1.         The content of the online Course Materials remains at all times the property of JKF Pty Ltd (JKF Aero).

2.         You may not reproduce or otherwise redistribute the content of the Course Materials without the prior written consent of JKF Pty Ltd (JKF Aero).

3.         Course materials are supplied in an online environment and are available for viewing online and may not be downloaded unless otherwise noted.

General Terms

1.         JKF Pty Ltd (JKF Aero) shall provide the courses with such skill, care and diligence as is generally exercised by competent members of the engineering profession performing services of a similar nature, at the time the courses are provided.

2.         Any dispute or difference (Dispute) between the participant and JKF Pty Ltd (JKF Aero) may be notified by a party to the other party and the parties shall:
(a) firstly meet to negotiate, in good faith, resolution of the Dispute; and
(b) secondly, if negotiation of the Dispute, attend mediation, administered in accordance with procedures as set out by the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia (New South Wales). Provided that this provision shall not prevent the JKF Pty Ltd (JKF Aero) from instituting legal action at any time to recover moneys owing by the participant to the JKF Pty Ltd (JKF Aero).

3.         The participant accepts that they are required to pay the full amount of course fees even if they do not complete the course.

4.         To complete a product purchase, you may be asked to supply relevant information, such as credit card details. The participant represents and warrants that:

a.         The information supplied is correct

b.        The participant has the legal right to use the payment method

JKF Pty Ltd (JKF Aero) may provide this information to third parties to process payments.

5.         JKF Pty Ltd (JKF Aero) reserves the right to refuse or cancel an order for reasons including:

a.         Product availability

b.        Suspected Fraud or illegal transaction

c.         Errors in the description of a product

d.        Errors in the pricing of a product

e.         Error in the order

6.         Course Fees are non-transferrable to other students.

7.         Course materials and content are subject to change.

8.         JKF Pty Ltd (JKF Aero) reserves the right to update information and correct errors, inaccuracies or omissions at any time without prior notice.

9.         The courses may contain links to third-party websites. JKF Pty Ltd (JKF Aero) has no control over, and is not responsible for the content of these sites, and shall not be liable for any damage or loss caused or alleged to be caused through these websites.

10.    The participant agrees to not disclose their password to any third party, or otherwise share the course lessons and services to a third party.

11.    JKF Pty Ltd (JKF Aero) may terminate or suspend the participant’s account immediately, without prior notice or liability, for any reason whatsoever, including without limitation if the participant breaches the terms. Upon termination the participant’s right to use the courses will immediately cease.

12.    JKF Pty Ltd (JKF Aero) reserves the right to change these terms at any time.